Assalamu'alaikum, it is me, Tarjono Mukhayat, alumni FMIPA Matematika, UGM. Asal saya dari Indramayu. Tau Indramayu khan? Apabila dilihat dari letak geografisnya Kabupaten Indramayu terletak pada 107°52° - 108°36°BT dan 6°15° - 6°40°LS. Eh jadi ngenalin Indramayu-nya, bukan penulisnya... Tapi, kayanya cukup segini aja deh, kepanjangan malah lupa lagi... Semoga kita bisa saling menasehati dalam kebaikan. Arigato!

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Here are my solutions for the first few numbers. Some of these are not optimal (fewest operators):

1. 44/44
2. 4/4+4/4
3. (4+4+4)/4
4. 4*(4-4)+4
5. 4!/4-4/4 (not optimal)
6. (4+4)/4+4
7. 44/4-4
8. 4+4+4-4
9. 4+4+4/4
10 . 4+4+4-sqrt(4) (not optimal)
11. 4!/sqrt(4)-4/4 (not optimal)
12. 4!-4-4-4 (not optimal)
13. 4!/sqrt(4)+4/4 (not optimal)
14. 4+4+4+sqrt(4)
15. 4*4-4/4 (not optimal)
16. 4+4+4+4
17. 4*4+4/4
18. 4*4+4/sqrt(4) (better than the solution at Math Forum - Four 4's Puzzle)
19. 4!-4-4/4
20. 4!+4-4-4
123456789 = 100

Puzzle: I received email asking me to make the numbers 123456789 add up to 100, by inserting any of these arithmetic operations (+ - * /) into the string of numbers (and keeping the numbers in the above order). I've seen this in a book somewhere, and I think the book gave only one solution. You might want to try it.

Solution: I found this solution by hand: 1+2+3-4+5+6+78+9, and my computer (with the standard computer rules of precendence, like 1/2*34 is 17) found all of these solutions:

1 123+45-67+8-9
2 123+4-5+67-89
3 123+4*5-6*7+8-9
4 123-45-67+89
5 123-4-5-6-7+8-9
6 12+34+5*6+7+8+9
7 12+34-5+6*7+8+9
8 12+34-5-6+7*8+9
9 12+34-5-6-7+8*9
10 12+3+4+5-6-7+89
11 12+3+4-56/7+89
12 12+3-4+5+67+8+9
13 12+3*45+6*7-89
14 12+3*4+5+6+7*8+9
15 12+3*4+5+6-7+8*9
16 12+3*4-5-6+78+9
17 12-3+4*5+6+7*8+9
18 12-3+4*5+6-7+8*9
19 12-3-4+5-6+7+89
20 12-3-4+5*6+7*8+9
21 12-3-4+5*6-7+8*9
22 12*3-4+5-6+78-9
23 12*3-4-5-6+7+8*9
24 12*3-4*5+67+8+9
25 12/3+4*5-6-7+89
26 12/3+4*5*6-7-8-9
27 12/3+4*5*6*7/8-9
28 12/3/4+5*6+78-9
29 1+234-56-7-8*9
30 1+234*5*6/78+9
31 1+234*5/6-7-89
32 1+23-4+56+7+8+9
33 1+23-4+56/7+8*9
34 1+23-4+5+6+78-9
35 1+23-4-5+6+7+8*9
36 1+23*4+56/7+8-9
37 1+23*4+5-6+7-8+9
38 1+23*4-5+6+7+8-9
39 1+2+34-5+67-8+9
40 1+2+34*5+6-7-8*9
41 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8*9
42 1+2+3-45+67+8*9
43 1+2+3-4+5+6+78+9
44 1+2+3-4*5+6*7+8*9
45 1+2+3*4-5-6+7+89
46 1+2+3*4*56/7-8+9
47 1+2+3*4*5/6+78+9
48 1+2-3*4+5*6+7+8*9
49 1+2-3*4-5+6*7+8*9
50 1+2*34-56+78+9
51 1+2*3+4+5+67+8+9
52 1+2*3+4*5-6+7+8*9
53 1+2*3-4+56/7+89
54 1+2*3-4-5+6+7+89
55 1+2*3*4*5/6+7+8*9
56 1-23+4*5+6+7+89
57 1-23-4+5*6+7+89
58 1-23-4-5+6*7+89
59 1-2+3+45+6+7*8-9
60 1-2+3*4+5+67+8+9
61 1-2+3*4*5+6*7+8-9
62 1-2+3*4*5-6+7*8-9
63 1-2-34+56+7+8*9
64 1-2-3+45+6*7+8+9
65 1-2-3+45-6+7*8+9
66 1-2-3+45-6-7+8*9
67 1-2-3+4*56/7+8*9
68 1-2-3+4*5+67+8+9
69 1-2*3+4*5+6+7+8*9
70 1-2*3-4+5*6+7+8*9
71 1-2*3-4-5+6*7+8*9
72 1*234+5-67-8*9
73 1*23+4+56/7*8+9
74 1*23+4+5+67-8+9
75 1*23-4+5-6-7+89
76 1*23-4-56/7+89
77 1*23*4-56/7/8+9
78 1*2+34+56+7-8+9
79 1*2+34+5+6*7+8+9
80 1*2+34+5-6+7*8+9
81 1*2+34+5-6-7+8*9
82 1*2+34-56/7+8*9
83 1*2+3+45+67-8-9
84 1*2+3+4*5+6+78-9
85 1*2+3-4+5*6+78-9
86 1*2+3*4+5-6+78+9
87 1*2-3+4+56/7+89
88 1*2-3+4-5+6+7+89
89 1*2-3+4*5-6+78+9
90 1*2*34+56-7-8-9
91 1*2*3+4+5+6+7+8*9
92 1*2*3-45+67+8*9
93 1*2*3-4+5+6+78+9
94 1*2*3-4*5+6*7+8*9
95 1*2*3*4+5+6+7*8+9
96 1*2*3*4+5+6-7+8*9
97 1*2*3*4-5-6+78+9
98 1*2/3+4*5/6+7+89
99 1/2*34-5+6-7+89
100 1/2*3/4*56+7+8*9
101 1/2/3*456+7+8+9

The shortest solution (fewest operations) is 123-45-67+89. There are more solutions, if a negative sign (which is different from subtraction) is allowed. Allowing parentheses would produce a lot more solutions.


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